Friday, June 03, 2011

News Release

From the Prime Minister's Web Site (

Here for all Canadians. Stability. Prosperity. Security.

June 3, 2011
Ottawa, Ontario

Today, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, delivered the Speech from the Throne to open the 1st session of the 41st Parliament and outlined the Government's agenda.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Government will deliver on its commitments and be there for all Canadians – for individuals, for families and for all regions of the country – working together to move Canada forward.

Specifically, the Government will focus on:

  • Supporting jobs and growth by implementing the Next Phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan, which will include further steps to promote a stable, low-tax environment; develop a highly skilled and flexible workforce; support innovation and the adoption of new technologies, and expand access to markets abroad.

  • Eliminating the deficit one year earlier by making responsible choices and reducing the cost of government, ensuring that the economy can continue to grow and create jobs.

  • Supporting hard-working families by helping seniors make ends meet and continuing to help Canadians save for their retirement; by supporting family caregivers; by helping parents who want to provide their children with opportunities to discover their creative passions; and by working with the provinces and territories to ensure that the health care system is sustainable and delivers results for Canadians.

  • Standing on guard for Canada by celebrating our heritage; by developing Canada's extraordinary resource wealth in a way that protects the environment; and by continuing to stand for what is right on the world stage, including through our missions in Afghanistan and Libya.

  • Supporting law-abiding Canadians by reintroducing comprehensive law-and-order legislation to combat crime and terrorism; by protecting the most vulnerable and working to prevent crime; by addressing the problem of violence against women and girls; and by reintroducing legislation to clarify and strengthen laws on self-defence, defence of property and citizen's arrest.

  • Helping communities and industries by ending the long-gun registry; by continuing to support Canada's traditional industries; and by addressing the barriers to social and economic participation faced by many Aboriginal Canadians.

  • Promoting integrity and accountability by reintroducing legislation to reform the Senate and restore fair representation in the House of Commons; by taking steps to phase out direct taxpayer subsidies to federal political parties; and by ensuring that citizens, the private sector and other partners have improved access to the workings of government.

The economy remains the Government's top priority. On Monday, June 6, 2011, the Government will introduce the Next Phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan to build on the progress already made and to ensure Canada remains one of the world's top-performing advanced economies.
The Prime Minister's Office - Communications
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